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Conference 2015

Drawing Near to God in these Dark Times

A Conference Emphasizing Worship and Holiness
September 18-19, 2015
Featuring: Dr. W. Robert Godfrey

An Invitation…

God calls His people to worship Him (Ps 95) and to holiness (1Peter 1:16). He also calls His own to not love the world (1John 2:15) and to be in the world but not of the world (John 17). Since Christ established the Church, it has struggled against worldly influences and temptations.  Worship and holiness in the Church have under gone patterns of corruption and revival. Today we find ourselves living in an age of spiritual darkness and in a culture openly hostile to faithful Christianity.  Problems are everywhere in the world and in the Church. Secular patterns of thought and habit have infected

Reformed and Evangelical Churches.  Many are accommodating or cursing the darkness rather than faithfully proclaiming and serving.  Our conference speaker, Dr W. Robert Godfrey, will explore our need to recover the Biblical view of worship and holiness.  He will call us to return to Holy Scripture where we find God’s design and purpose for the Church. He will teach us relevant and timely lessons from Church history.  With sensitivity, Biblical insight, the skills and knowledge of an eminent Church historian and the heart of a shepherd he will offer gems of Biblical wisdom for the 21st Century Church.  Christians from all walks of life will be encouraged and enlightened. Dr. Godfrey draws upon his many years in the Lord’s service as Seminary President, Professor of Church History and Pastor. Undergirding his words for us is Christ’s wonderful promise “…I will build my Church”.  Will you join us this fall as we look at these essential elements of the Christian faith?

Sponsored and hosted by:
Northwoods Presbyterian Church
Faithful to Holy Scripture
True to the reformed Faith
Obedient to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ

Conference Location:
Northwoods Presbyterian Church
4723 Griffith Avenue
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82009
(307) 637-4817
Get Directions

Conference Speaker

Dr. Godfrey

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey

Dr. Godfrey is President of Westminster Seminary California (WSC) and Professor of Church History.  He has taught at WSC since 1981. He received his A.B., M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from Stanford University and the M.Div. degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Dr. Godfrey is an ordained minister in the United Reformed Churches in North America. He is a noted speaker at many worldwide conferences, including those sponsored by the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization, the Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology, and Ligonier Ministries. In addition to his work at WSC, Dr. Godfrey serves as a Ligonier Ministries Board member and Teaching Fellow.

He is the author of John Calvin: Pilgrim and Pastor, An Unexpected Journey, Reformation Sketches, Pleasing God in Our Worship, God’s Pattern for Creation and coauthor of Westminster Seminary California: A New Old School. He has written chapters or articles in John Calvin, His Influence in the Western World; Through Christ’s Word; Theonomy: A Reformed Critique; The Agony of Deceit; Roman Catholicism; Sola Scriptura!; The Practice of Confessional Subscription; The Coming Evangelical Crisis; and in such journals as Archive for Reformation History, Sixteenth-Century Journal, and Westminster Theological Journal. In 2010, a festschrift was published in Dr. Godfrey’s honor entitled Always Reformed.

Dr. Godfrey and his wife, Mary Ellen, have three grown children who all reside in California.


Conference Schedule

Friday, September 18, 2015

5:45 p.m. Registration opens
6:30 p.m. Conference Concert
7:00 – 8:15 p.m. Session 1Jesus the Foundation
Hebrews 3:1-2 exhorts us to consider Christ, the high priest of our confession, has faithfully accomplished all the Father asked of Him. This presentation will emphasize the foundational teaching of the Word concerning worship and holiness by focusing on Christianity in the beginning.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

8:30 a.m. Registration opens
9:00 – 10:15 Session 2Temptations to Fall Away
Hebrews 3:12 exhorts us to be aware of those with an “evil, unbelieving heart” so we are not drawn away from the “living God”. This presentation will examine corruptions in the ancient and medieval Church.


10:30 – 11:45 Session 3The Word at Work
Hebrews 4:12 stresses the power of the Word to enter the deepest recesses of a person’s being “discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart”. This presentation will reveal how the Word working in faithful servants brought about the Reformation and its glorious results.

12:00 – 12:45 Lunch

1:00 – 2:00 Session 4Grace and Power
Hebrews 4:16 reminds us that we have been granted priestly access to God. This presentation will examine the Church today and call us to cry out to God for revival and restoration of the light in this dark age.

2:00-2:15 Break
2:15-3:15 Q&A session
3:15 Conference Ends

Lord’s Day, September 20, 2015

We extend a warm invitation to all visitors to worship with us. Dr. Godfrey will be preaching at our 10:30 a.m. service.
Title: The Call to Worship
Text: Psalm 95


Conference Resources

Here are resources from the conference:


Conference Recordings